Dear Frien - thanks for your interest.
Let me briefly introduce the organization and our goals. SOS-SEATURTLES was founded some 30 years ago by a small group of photographers, journalists and divers. All of us were very concerned and angry about how these animals were treated all over the world. Using our connections to the press and other medias, we initiated a public information campaign about the turtles by publishing articles world-wide. This created awareness in the millions of people who have seen the horrible pictures and read the facts about sea turtles which were brought by humans close to extinction Because the enforcement of international laws is a slow and tedious procedure and they are very often violated. Some of our first actions and campaigns was, informing tourists trough brochures written in almost all mayor languages, SOS-SEATURTLES was able to curb the demand for turtle Products on the Maldives islands and along the red sea of Egypt. Tortoise-shell souvenirs have practically disappeared from souvenir shops as a result to these measures.
Scuba diving organizations have turned out to be a very successful way of educating divers. Many thousands of diving instructors use flyers provided by SOS Sea Turtles in order to deliver it to her students. This is to guarantee that divers treat sea turtles in an appropriate manner and encourage their protection. The greatest success we had on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Until the year 1990 aprox 30´000 turtles were slaughtered annually . Together with the Indonesian organization PRO FAUNA, we were able to close the slaughter houses and curb the trade rigorously.
We are a small and absolutely independent group. Therefore we can decide quickly and can act, write, say and publish what and wherever we want !
Sea Turtles needs the support of everyone who is concerned about nature in order help to prevent their extinction in a near future.
Whenever possible, SOS-SEATURTLES also acts directly on the front! With over ten years of campaigns on the island of Bali Indonesia, together with the local organization PRO-FAUNA, we were able to drastically reduce the slaughter of an average of 25,000 turtles annually. The trade in turtles on this island has practically come to a standstill for several years. But it is also burning in other places in Indonesia; In the diving paradise of the Wakatob National Park in South Sulawesi, over 600 sea turtles are proven to be caught and killed annually! On the island of Sangalaki, Kalimantan, all nests have been looted again for a few years! Here, too, we do not want to watch idly. We were able to co-finance the "Operation Leatherback" project in West Papua for several years, but had to interrupt this valuable support for financial reasons. Since 2010 we have also been working with the TURTLE FUNDATION to stop illegal turtle fishing in the Cape Verde Islands.
In 2017 we started "OPERATION DENAVAN" a joint action with the Indonesian organization PAMALI. DENAVAN. Global warming has been catastrophic for sea turtles, and for millions of years, following an inherited instinct, turtles have laid their eggs at a safe distance from the water. Far enough that the clutch remains dry even at high tide, but still at a distance so that the newly hatched babies can easily reach the saving water, but the rise in sea level is progressing faster than the animals can adapt, with the result that in half of all nests in this region are flooded and perish. The main task is to move the clutch to higher hatcheries and to monitor them until they hatch. More information:
Please study the following pages about the sea turtles. You'll learn that they are seriously endangered. Hundreds of thousands perish in the nets of fishing fleets and due to the effects of pollution. Many are no longer capable of reproducing because their breading grounds have been destroyed by the building of hotels or by overcrowded beaches. The majority however are still caught and killed in the most cruel fashion for there market value.
Only by boycotting all products made from sea turtles this trade can be stopped. I believe that you are fare to be a customer for such products, but still inform others in any ways you can ! Convince people to boycott shops and restaurants that sell such products and help us by sign up our and other petition concerning Seat turtles.
Spread all information to others and send the link of our websites to everyone you know. Never think that such initiatives are in vain. On the contrary, collectively we make up an entire army contributing to the survival of the sea turtles.
If you feel supporting SOS SEATURTLES:
Thanks for your help
Kurt W. Amsler
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